#TALK: PHONE VS. CAMERA – Which one do you prefer?
When it comes to taking snaps on the go what do you turn to?
When it comes to shooting on the go I’m always a sceptic on what is the best tool to have on hand – so I asked you guys yesterday on my Instagram @thefashionheist to let me know what you use. An overwhelming amount of people love phones especially the Samsung one! Because my I am in two minds about this one I’ve written down a pros and cons list for our cameras

Image from Giphy
Now since I have an iPhone this will only be in relation to my iPhone but should work across the board.
- Super duper light!
- Easy to upload to all social media in the moment
- Fit’s easily in your pocket or hand bag
- Great for shooting in the daytime
- Can also upload animated images, and video quite seamlessly
- Not great at night (who likes that nasty flash really)
- Battery can get waisted pretty quick especially if you are snap chatting or Insta storying as well
- Capturing moving pictures could be quick tricky in low light
- In relation to events – could make you look like you are constantly on your phone (have people wondering what is she doing)
- Don’t look professional*
*Now let me explain number 5 in a bit more detail – I feel a non-phone camera at events shows you are interested and want to capture what is going on. This is just my personal opinion but it just seems more of a professional approach then just an iphone.
I have two cameras one small and the other medium size – both are Sony Nex series and pretty compact! So it’s quite convenient for me to use. So if you are having camera doubts I suggest those!
- Always going to get a sharp image – it’s a camera duh!
- Long lasting battery life without losing your phone
- You have superior flash for night photography
- Just looking professional
- Great quality video for later YouTube video use
- Can be heavy – if you don’t have a compact DSLR this can be quite a problem when on the go
- Memory Card forgetfulness (trust me it happens)! No memory card – no photos
- No instant upload – unless you have a wifi camera (which I do and it’s awesome)
- Lens deficient – make sure you have a good lens or zoomed in shots can be blurry
- Just not knowing how to work your camera*
Let me elaborate on that last note there. If you don’t know your camera a little bit it’s really easy to not get the perfect shot – make sure you practice at home.