Photography Azar Image

How do you let go and embrace your true beauty? 

Embracing your own true beauty can be tough at times especially when looking at all the inspiration and different interpretations of beauty around you. Remember though that at the end of the day when you are knockin’ at heaven’s door none of that matters at all, it’s an eerie but truthful reminder that you should live out each day in your true beauty form.

I feel in the fashion realm there is a lot of talk about “natural” beauty or as I like to call it true beauty but do they really mean it? When they suggest a foundation or mascara to get that natural glow? Or a $200 facial cream supposedly worn by someone with celebrity status, who swears that is her beauty secret. It’s all lies! There is no secret, it’s you in front of the mirror that is it, have a good hard look and thank yourself for being beautiful everyday.


So go on say it one more time…


Funny thing is sometimes I need to remind myself of things like this also, that’s why I don’t wear make up in a majority of my shoots. I just want to prove to myself how much faith I have in myself. Some may call it vanity I have a few other names for it “self-empowerment” “self trust” “self belief” and thankfulness. Let me know how you embrace your true beauty in the comments I would love to read it!

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